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The Power of Industry 4.0 w.r.t. Apparel Manufacturers

With ever-changing consumer needs and shifts in demand, apparel manufacturers should rely on practices backed by the Industry 4.0 to cater to those changes efficiently. Industry 4.0 in the apparel and fashion sector brings in advancements in technology, creating a new era of production using digitization & automation. It integrates the digital and physical world of fashion on a single platform to create a lean value chain. BlueKaktus can bring digital transformation to apparel manufacturing by leveraging cutting-edge cloud technologies powered by industry 4.0. Its real-time visuals, intelligent analytics, industrial IoT, and AI result in an overall improvement in output, quality, and reduction in costs. It provides an end to end supply chain solutions with data-driven insights to understand your customers, engage with them confidently, and deliver on your brand promises. Leverage BlueKaktus Manufacturing Platform to enable digital transformation and avail benefits like:
  1. Cost Reduction: Track performance metrics and optimize functions to reduce costs.
  2. Wastage Reduction: Reduce wastage through data tracking & analysis.
  3. On-time Delivery: Get notified at every step to ensure timely delivery.
  4. Product Lifecycle Management: Timely notifications and tracking of bottlenecks help reduce the lead time.
  5. Error Reduction: The software learns from the past data for improved and accurate decision-making.
  6. Improved Visibility: Through tracking of the entire product lifecycle.
  7. Seamless Manufacturing Integration: Communication in real-time with manufacturers and their supply chain.
  8. Increased Sales: Improved understanding of sales information and quicker reaction.
Smart manufacturing tools with all of these benefits can turn the concept of affordable mass customization into a reality by using Industry 4.0. BlueKaktus can help manufacturers reimagine a more organized production workflow, focusing on creating a nimble and agile supply chain. With the right set of tech tools, apparel manufacturers of all sizes can easily improve their supply chain operations and productivity. Contact our team at to know if your organization is compatible with industry 4.0 practices.